Pollution is not a new concern for the world we live in. It is a leading cause for disease and many more obvious threats to the planet’s health and our own. Back in 2017, a report was written on the pollution effects on the health and wellbeing of people, and this study found that more than eighty percent of individuals living in urban settings around the world are exposed daily to poor air quality well below the World Health Organization’s requirements. This week emphasizes the pollution and sustainability activities and current efforts contributing to the managing of industrial and commercial waste.
Industrial Pollution Control Equipment Keeping It Clean
Baker Furnace designs and manufactures liquid and air pollution control systems for industrial settings. Air pollution control systems oxidize fumes to eliminate Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC’s). Liquid waste incinerators are used to remove some or all contaminants from industrial wastewater. Baker Furnace is proud to be a supplier to the pollution control industry that helps make the world we live in a cleaner, healthier place. Recycle and give back for Pollution Prevention Week at your office or at home to contribute to a greener change.