Water is essential to life. Humans depend on clean, safe water for drinking, bathing, laundry, and more. Nearly every industry relies on water to manufacture, process, wash, dilute, cool, and transport their products. Many of these processes make water unfit for use and, unfortunately, there is a finite amount of clean water on earth. Without proper treatment, the inhabitants of the world would quickly run out of the water they need to survive.
Liquid waste treatment helps reclaim some of this “used” water. In fact, about a billion gallons of treated wastewater is reclaimed for non-potable use every day, according to the trade magazine for public works officials, Public Works. While the nearly 22,000 publicly-owned treatment works are responsible for pollution control with liquid waste treatment, manufacturers must also do their part.
Wastewater is simply water that a person or industry has used. There are two main types of wastewater: domestic and industrial. Depending on its use, wastewater usually contains some type of contaminant.
Domestic wastewater, also known as sanitary wastewater, comes from toilets, sinks, baths/showers, and laundry. This type of wastewater may contain intestinal disease-causing organisms from body wastes.
Industrial wastewater discharged during manufacturing and other commercial processes may contain residual acids, oils, dissolved metals, and toxic chemicals. Many industries produce liquid waste, including hospitals, pharmaceutical, laboratories, automobile, petro chemicals, oil and natural gas drilling, and textiles. There are several types of liquid waste produced by these industries, including oil refinery waste, petrochemical waste, liquid chemical waste, dyes waste, and liquid ink waste. Industrial liquid waste may be high COD (chemical oxygen demand) that contains a large amount of organic matter or have low calorific value (CV), which makes this liquid difficult to treat.
Both domestic and industrial wastewater creates water pollution. Liquid waste treatment involves chemical and physical processes to remove some or all contaminants to make it fit for reuse or release into the environment.
Baker Furnace offers state-of-the-art industrial liquid waste incinerators for liquid waste treatment and liquid waste management. Visit the Baker Furnace website to learn more about the types of liquid waste incinerators available. Be sure to check back next month for part-2 of this blog series, where the focus will be on the various treatment methods used to remove toxic substances and dissolved matter from liquids. Follow Baker Furnace on social media to stay up to date with company and industry news (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn).