2017 was a great year for Baker Furnace – we moved to a new, larger location in Brea, California, and equipped it with a 10-ton overhead crane, welding machines, and plasma cutter. The new location is already helping us fill more orders than ever before. In fact, we think 2018 may end up being one of our best years yet.
Many exciting opportunities are coming our way in the upcoming year, and we look forward to detailing each opportunity in our blogs. We will also discuss a number of topics that are important to you, your business, and the community in which you live.
In our 2018 blog series, for example, we will focus on pollution control. We will begin 2018 with a 2-part series on cleaning the air you breathe. Because it damages crops, animals, forests, bodies of water, and human health, air pollution is one of the most serious problems facing our planet today. We will review some of the causes of industrial air pollution, and talk about ways Baker Furnace is helping industries reduce the emissions that lead to air pollution.
Baker Furnace Talks about Applications in 2018
The pollution control industry uses numerous applications to keep earth’s environment a healthy and clean place in which to live. Each application removes toxins from the earth and air in a slightly different way. We will cover some of these applications in 2018, providing you with essential information on such applications as:
Air Pollution Abatement – cleans harmful particulates from indoor and outdoor air
Soil Remediation – removes petroleum and fuel residues or other hydrocarbons, heavy metals, cyanides, pesticides, creosote, volatiles, and semi-volatiles from soil
VOC Abatement – removes volatile organic compounds (VOCs) industrial chemicals, solvents, alcohols, and gasoline and other petroleum products
Fume Incineration – destroys VOCs, hazardous air pollutants (HAP’s), odors, and other toxins before factory emissions enter the environment
Organic Liquid Incineration – removes toxins from oil refinery waste, liquid ink waste, petrochemical waste, liquid chemical waste, High COD (chemical oxygen demand), dyes waste, Low CV (Calorific Value), and many more.
Hydrocarbon Destruction – hydrocarbons are a type of volatile organic compound that come from fuel that does not burn completely in an engine.
For more information about the processes that battle pollution control check back frequently with the Baker Furnace blog. Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter, and to connect with us on LinkedIn for updates about Baker Furnace!